Living in Bratislava and other stories (including wallowing in self-pity :)

Saturday, June 18, 2011


The problem of being too proud is that you hurt people. Even if you are in that moment thinking it was best possible solution.
Because of my pride and because of my stuborness I hurt people.
At my time spent at home I was really hoping it was for the best. Tonight another picture came to my mind. The one I didn't see. In that picture I hurt him. We hurt eachother even if we tought it was for the best. I'm still waiting for him to jump around corridor, I'm still waiting for the moment of being warm in his sweter and saying hello to too early Bratislava mornings. The pain subdued but it's there. Right now I'm wating for Monday to pick up my papers, start to pack, have last party to say goodbye and leave.
Like I said to him long ago, There's nothing waiting for me in Croatia anymore. Right now,truth is, there's nothing waiting for me in Bratislava anymore. I can't help but to wonder, where to next?

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